Part 47: Episode 5: Part 3: Please excuse me while we ditch the rails for a little bit.
Episode 5: Part 3: Please excuse me while we ditch the rails for a little bit.This is our track for the next little while.

I can't believe it's come down to this.

So let's move on, shall-

Oh dear.

Anyway, we can't explore much of town but at least there's people around. A few comment on some kind of trouble among the Guided ranks and a disturbance at Sacrifa's manor. The Vigilante Guards seem to be leaving it to the Guided to sort out, too.
And do you see those two kids on the left? They tricked their friend into playing hide and seek cos they actually hate him, and didn't look for him. You can find him and let him know, which makes him cry. And then give Rhue a Heart Stone.

"His victims are called harbingers."

I wonder who will be the Harbringer today.

PARADAN: If I could just have a minute of your time sir.

PARADAN: This will just take a moment of your time.

PARADAN: I would just like to plea with you not to attend this vile exectuion (SIC).
No one should rejoice in the death of another.
In fact, us Paradans believe that no one should be sent to their death before their natural time.

PARADAN: We should strive to rehabilitate them. If we kill them, we're no better than they are.

PARADAN: It wouldn't be a problem if everyone followed the Path of Para.

Who would follow a path where you aren't even permitted to defend yourself if someone were to assault you?
You Paradans make me sick. You criticize any warrior who protects other wanderers. Guards, Lyn, Vigilante, all of them.
And all the time you criticize them you are basking in the protection that they provide.
Want to know what I think about you Paradans? You're all a bunch of ungrateful little cowards.

Uhm... after that little rant, the Paradan starts wandering around randomly, and we can move on.

It's not time yet, and there's only way way to progress, so up the stairs in front of Sacrifa's front doors we go!

Do you know her?!

Velicia hits Lilah...

That lines a bit of a mouthful...

You know nothing of her illness, Velicia!!

No Sacrifa. Such evil must be destroyed!!!

Neither will I spare the life of this foul creature before me.

The screen quickly pans up as we hear the sound of repeatedly thudding, and a womans screams.

And Sacrifa flees inside.

If you will not... I will ask the other.

Such is my vengence (SIC). I ask nothing else.
Hear me now, Lord Below!

She hits Slade.

Patura hits him again.

And now Medmur's hitting Slade!

Lady Patura is a respected member of the Council. Or have you forgotten?!

I'm amazed Rhorn even has a faceset. This might be his only damn line.

We'll finish this later, Slade.
Unfortunately, the track here is one of the ones never identified. But just imagine something with a slow, loud drum beat and an ominous hum going on.

Still thudding sounds too but the cause is different.

There's a roaring sound, like a distant crowd is going apeshit.

MAN: What? Are you blind?

MAN: Eh, heh... heh. Yea.

"Both the Vigilance Council and The Guided have agreed that there can be only one penalty for your grevious (SIC) crimes.

You spent -at least- a week in a cell and that's your best?

Rhorn walks out and nods to each direction. There's a cheer each time.

Remember this Kava kura curse. It'll do more than just come up again.

(If you help me get Cetsa out of here alive, I'll believe in you.)

Rhue leaps to attack the Harbringer but is... repulsed?
Message of Darkness plays here.

It happens on his second attempt too.
HARBRINGER: This is a surprise...
What the hell, did Lun learn to spell it this episode or did the testers finally fucking start noticing.

And then MEDMUR steps forward.

Slade nods, and approaches the centre of the courtyard.

"You're strange."

This is a mercifully short unwinnable fight. Slade does 33% of Rhue's hp every turn so... Well, its possible to last a couple turns longer, if like what happened to me, you fluke out and he misses three attacks in a row. If that happens Slade says ENOUGH and uses some kind of flashing green light to instantly win.

The music stops, and the crowd cheers as Slade approaches Rhue...
And then there's rumbling and everything begins to shake.

Sacrifa chants a few lines of stuff like this.

Lots of things fly out of a hole deep in the mines... This is the only part of this sequence where the screen isn't shaking terrible too.

Sound of something ramming the cobblestones from underneath...

Monsters and/or demons begin to invade Estrana. I'm pretty sure its just monsters but...

With so many people running around, and the screenshaking, this is a little disorientating.

Follow me.
the end